Data | 18/08/2018 |
Origem | Maceió (SBMO) |
Destino | Aracaju (SBAR) |
Aeronave | Boeing 737-800 PR-BAJ |
Duração | 00:33:52 |
Passageiros | 162 |
Preço da passagem | $ 253,76 |
Receita bruta | $ 41.109,28 |
Preço do combustível | $ 6,00 / kg |
Combustível utilizado | 1610.71 kg |
Despesa com combustível | $ 9.664,26 |
Demais despesas | $ 13.644,20 |
Saldo do voo | $ 17.800,82 |
Situação | Aprovado |
[01:29] B737-800X Brisa 737-800 PR-BAJ
[01:29] BRI5108 SBMO/SBAR 162 PAX
[01:29] FOB 5492kg
[01:29] Parking Brake Applied
[01:29] Navigation Lights ON
[01:29] Instrument Lights ON
[01:29] Boarding
[01:32] Beacon Light ON
[01:33] Parking Brake Released
[01:34] ENG 2 Started
[01:35] ENG 1 Started
[01:35] Parking Brake Applied
[01:36] Parking Brake Released
[01:37] TAXI to RWY
[01:39] Landing Lights ON 381ft
[01:39] Navigation Lights OFF
[01:39] Navigation Lights ON
[01:39] Strobe Lights ON
[01:39] Parking Brake Applied
[01:39] Parking Brake Released
[01:39] Parking Brake Applied
[01:39] Parking Brake Released
[01:40] FLAPS 1
[01:40] FLAPS 2
[01:40] FLAPS 3
[01:40] TKOF 158kt HDG 331 Wind 29302KT Temp 20C
[01:40] FLAPS 2 182kt 738ft
[01:40] Gear up 183kt 437ft AGL
[01:41] FLAPS 1 194kt 1467ft
[01:42] AutoPilot Engaged 3967ft
[01:42] FLAPS 0 228kt 5279ft
[01:44] Landing Lights OFF 10774ft
[01:48] TOC
[01:54] TOD
[01:57] Landing Lights ON 10299ft
[01:58] AutoPilot Disengaged 10456ft
[01:58] AutoPilot Engaged 10452ft
[02:01] FLAPS 1 230kt 7382ft
[02:02] FLAPS 2 223kt 5036ft
[02:03] FLAPS 3 205kt 2986ft
[02:03] FLAPS 4 203kt 2907ft
[02:03] Gear down 199kt 2805ft AGL
[02:04] FLAPS 5 184kt 2526ft
[02:04] FLAPS 6 148kt 1988ft
[02:04] FLAPS 7 148kt 1998ft
[02:04] FLAPS 8 148kt 2005ft
[02:05] AutoPilot Disengaged 1968ft
[02:06] LDG Rate -313 ft/min HDG 128 Wind 13008KT Temp 24C
[02:06] Parking Brake Applied
[02:07] Parking Brake Released
[02:07] FLAPS 7
[02:07] FLAPS 6
[02:07] FLAPS 5
[02:07] FLAPS 4
[02:07] FLAPS 2
[02:07] FLAPS 1
[02:07] FLAPS 0
[02:07] Parking Brake Applied
[02:07] Parking Brake Released
[02:07] Parking Brake Applied
[02:07] TAXI to APRON
[02:07] Parking Brake Released
[02:07] Parking Brake Applied
[02:07] Parking Brake Released
[02:07] Parking Brake Applied
[02:07] Parking Brake Released
[02:07] Parking Brake Applied
[02:08] Parking Brake Released
[02:09] Parking Brake Applied
[02:09] Parking Brake Released
[02:09] Parking Brake Applied
[02:09] Parking Brake Released
[02:10] Parking Brake Applied
[02:10] Parking Brake Released
[02:10] Parking Brake Applied
[02:10] Parking Brake Released
[02:10] Parking Brake Applied
[02:10] Parking Brake Released
[02:10] Parking Brake Applied
[02:10] Navigation Lights OFF
[02:10] Strobe Lights OFF
[02:10] Navigation Lights ON
[02:10] Landing Lights OFF 30ft
[02:10] ENG 1 Stopped
[02:10] ENG 2 Stopped
[02:10] Beacon Lights OFF
[02:11] B737-800X Brisa 737-800 PR-BAJ
[02:11] Remaining FOB 3882kg
[02:11] Sim Rate 1x
[02:11] Brisa ACARS