Dados da Caixa Preta
[01:19] Brisa B738 PR-BBD
[01:19] BRI7019 SBBR/SUMU 160 PAX
[01:19] FOB 13577kg
[01:19] Parking Brake Applied
[01:19] Navigation Lights ON
[01:19] Instrument Lights ON
[01:19] Wing Lights ON
[01:19] Boarding
[01:26] Wing Lights OFF
[01:26] Instrument Lights OFF
[01:36] Beacon Light ON
[01:37] Parking Brake Released
[01:37] Pushing Back
[01:38] FLAPS 1
[01:38] Instrument Lights ON
[01:39] FLAPS 2
[01:39] FLAPS 3
[01:39] Taxi Lights ON
[01:39] FLAPS 4
[01:39] ENG 2 Started
[01:39] ENG 1 Started
[01:41] TAXI to RWY
[01:47] Landing Lights ON 3484ft
[01:47] Taxi Lights OFF
[01:49] TKOF 153kt HDG 108 Wind 08002KT Temp 19C
[01:50] Gear up 160kt 561ft AGL
[01:52] FLAPS 3 188kt 7156ft
[01:52] FLAPS 2 193kt 7201ft
[01:52] FLAPS 1 197kt 7247ft
[01:52] FLAPS 0 205kt 7349ft
[01:53] Landing Lights OFF 10207ft
[02:19] TOC
[03:41] Overspeed! 285kt 34908ft
[03:41] Overspeed corrected at 34941ft
[03:41] Overspeed! 285kt 34944ft
[03:41] Overspeed corrected at 34951ft
[03:47] Overspeed! 311kt 35453ft
[03:48] Overspeed corrected at 35594ft
[03:58] Overspeed! 294kt 35719ft
[03:58] Overspeed corrected at 35712ft
[03:58] Overspeed! 309kt 35679ft
[03:59] Overspeed corrected at 35624ft
[04:17] TOD
[04:35] Landing Lights ON 9948ft
[04:38] FLAPS 1 220kt 7251ft
[04:38] FLAPS 2 216kt 7221ft
[04:38] FLAPS 3 213kt 7218ft
[04:38] FLAPS 4 179kt 6998ft
[04:40] Gear down 174kt 4653ft AGL
[04:41] FLAPS 5 172kt 4321ft
[04:43] FLAPS 6 163kt 2861ft
[04:43] FLAPS 7 163kt 2841ft
[04:44] FLAPS 8 157kt 2579ft
[04:48] LDG Rate -347 ft/min HDG 193 Wind 12413KT Temp 18C
[04:48] Spoilers ON 117kt 7ft
[04:49] TAXI to APRON
[04:49] Spoilers OFF 21kt 7ft
[04:49] FLAPS 7
[04:49] FLAPS 6
[04:49] FLAPS 5
[04:49] FLAPS 4
[04:49] FLAPS 3
[04:49] FLAPS 2
[04:50] FLAPS 1
[04:50] FLAPS 0
[04:50] Instrument Lights OFF
[04:50] Instrument Lights ON
[04:51] Taxi Lights ON
[04:51] Landing Lights OFF 112ft
[04:53] Taxi Lights OFF
[04:54] Parking Brake Applied
[04:54] ENG 1 Stopped
[04:54] ENG 2 Stopped
[04:54] Beacon Lights OFF
[04:56] Brisa B738 PR-BBD
[04:56] Remaining FOB 5016kg
[04:56] Sim Rate 1x
[04:56] Brisa ACARS