Dados da Caixa Preta
[09:14] Brisa B738 PR-BAR
[09:14] BRI5190 SBBE/SBGR 165 PAX
[09:14] FOB 13786kg
[09:14] Parking Brake Applied
[09:14] Navigation Lights ON
[09:14] Boarding
[09:39] Beacon Light ON
[09:40] Parking Brake Released
[09:40] Pushing Back
[09:41] Taxi Lights ON
[09:41] FLAPS 1
[09:41] ENG 2 Started
[09:41] ENG 1 Started
[09:41] FLAPS 2
[09:41] FLAPS 3
[09:41] FLAPS 4
[09:43] TAXI to RWY
[09:44] Landing Lights ON 59ft
[09:45] Taxi Lights OFF
[09:47] TKOF 153kt HDG 65 Wind 07104KT Temp 24C
[09:47] Gear up 160kt 539ft AGL
[09:49] FLAPS 3 203kt 3215ft
[09:49] FLAPS 2 206kt 3310ft
[09:49] FLAPS 1 211kt 3373ft
[09:49] FLAPS 0 219kt 3507ft
[09:51] Landing Lights OFF 10102ft
[10:10] Overspeed! 319kt 30951ft
[10:10] Overspeed corrected at 31223ft
[10:13] TOC
[12:14] Mid Air Refuel! 31989AGL
[12:28] TOD
[12:44] FLAPS 1 221kt 11027ft
[12:45] FLAPS 2 194kt 10817ft
[12:45] FLAPS 3 194kt 10761ft
[12:46] Landing Lights ON 9974ft
[12:47] FLAPS 4 172kt 9101ft
[12:48] Gear down 172kt 4170ft AGL
[12:49] FLAPS 5 168kt 6066ft
[12:50] FLAPS 6 162kt 5322ft
[12:50] FLAPS 7 161kt 5266ft
[12:50] FLAPS 8 152kt 4865ft
[12:54] LDG Rate -350 ft/min HDG 90 Wind 13808KT Temp 19C
[12:54] Spoilers ON 110kt 10ft
[12:54] TAXI to APRON
[12:55] Taxi Lights ON
[12:55] Landing Lights OFF 2464ft
[12:55] FLAPS 7
[12:55] FLAPS 6
[12:55] FLAPS 5
[12:55] FLAPS 4
[12:55] FLAPS 3
[12:55] FLAPS 2
[12:56] FLAPS 1
[12:56] FLAPS 0
[12:57] Spoilers OFF 11kt 7ft
[12:57] Taxi Lights OFF
[12:57] Parking Brake Applied
[12:58] ENG 1 Stopped
[12:58] ENG 2 Stopped
[12:58] Beacon Lights OFF
[12:59] Brisa B738 PR-BAR
[12:59] Remaining FOB 5000kg
[12:59] Sim Rate 1x
[12:59] Brisa ACARS