Dados da Caixa Preta
[13:18] Brisa B738 PR-BAR
[13:18] BRI5191 SBGR/SBBE 162 PAX
[13:18] FOB 13786kg
[13:18] Parking Brake Applied
[13:18] Navigation Lights ON
[13:18] Boarding
[13:30] Beacon Light ON
[13:31] Parking Brake Released
[13:31] Pushing Back
[13:33] Taxi Lights ON
[13:33] FLAPS 1
[13:33] ENG 2 Started
[13:33] FLAPS 2
[13:33] ENG 1 Started
[13:33] FLAPS 3
[13:33] FLAPS 4
[13:35] TAXI to RWY
[13:38] Landing Lights ON 2464ft
[13:38] Taxi Lights OFF
[13:40] TKOF 150kt HDG 96 Wind 13608KT Temp 19C
[13:40] Gear up 169kt 437ft AGL
[13:42] FLAPS 3 205kt 5082ft
[13:42] FLAPS 2 208kt 5161ft
[13:42] FLAPS 1 213kt 5213ft
[13:42] FLAPS 0 220kt 5364ft
[13:44] Landing Lights OFF 10253ft
[14:14] TOC
[14:45] Mid Air Refuel! 33868AGL
[16:23] TOD
[16:40] Landing Lights ON 9203ft
[16:43] FLAPS 1 231kt 5866ft
[16:44] FLAPS 2 229kt 5751ft
[16:44] FLAPS 3 228kt 5676ft
[16:45] FLAPS 4 201kt 3760ft
[16:46] Gear down 177kt 3117ft AGL
[16:46] FLAPS 5 170kt 2936ft
[16:47] FLAPS 6 164kt 2684ft
[16:47] FLAPS 7 163kt 2664ft
[16:48] FLAPS 8 154kt 2500ft
[16:51] LDG Rate -301 ft/min HDG 65 Wind 13111KT Temp 22C
[16:51] Spoilers ON 117kt 10ft
[16:52] Spoilers OFF 70kt 7ft
[16:52] TAXI to APRON
[16:53] FLAPS 7
[16:53] FLAPS 6
[16:53] FLAPS 5
[16:53] FLAPS 4
[16:53] FLAPS 3
[16:53] FLAPS 2
[16:54] FLAPS 1
[16:54] FLAPS 0
[16:56] Taxi Lights ON
[16:56] Landing Lights OFF 59ft
[16:58] Parking Brake Applied
[16:59] Taxi Lights OFF
[16:59] ENG 1 Stopped
[16:59] ENG 2 Stopped
[16:59] Beacon Lights OFF
[17:00] Brisa B738 PR-BAR
[17:00] Remaining FOB 4920kg
[17:00] Sim Rate 1x
[17:00] Brisa ACARS