Dados da Caixa Preta
[19:51] Brisa B738 PR-BBF
[19:51] BRI7029 SBBR/SGAS 170 PAX
[19:51] FOB 10446kg
[19:51] Parking Brake Applied
[19:51] Instrument Lights ON
[19:51] Boarding
[19:57] Instrument Lights OFF
[19:57] Instrument Lights ON
[19:59] Navigation Lights ON
[19:59] Wing Lights ON
[20:10] Wing Lights OFF
[20:12] Logo Lights ON
[20:12] Instrument Lights OFF
[20:13] Instrument Lights ON
[20:15] Instrument Lights OFF
[20:27] Beacon Light ON
[20:28] Parking Brake Released
[20:29] Pushing Back
[20:30] ENG 2 Started
[20:30] ENG 1 Started
[20:31] Taxi Lights ON
[20:31] FLAPS 1
[20:31] FLAPS 2
[20:31] FLAPS 3
[20:31] FLAPS 4
[20:32] TAXI to RWY
[20:35] Landing Lights ON 3484ft
[20:35] Taxi Lights OFF
[20:37] TKOF 154kt HDG 108 Wind 10009KT Temp 23C
[20:37] Gear up 162kt 574ft AGL
[20:38] FLAPS 3 194kt 5679ft
[20:38] FLAPS 2 202kt 5774ft
[20:38] FLAPS 1 207kt 5827ft
[20:38] FLAPS 0 218kt 5978ft
[20:40] Landing Lights OFF 10390ft
[20:40] Logo Lights OFF
[21:05] TOC
[21:26] Overspeed! 289kt 34859ft
[21:26] Overspeed corrected at 34931ft
[21:36] Overspeed! 293kt 34810ft
[21:37] Overspeed corrected at 34997ft
[22:10] TOD
[22:47] FLAPS 1 233kt 2503ft
[22:48] FLAPS 2 203kt 2500ft
[22:48] FLAPS 3 198kt 2493ft
[22:54] FLAPS 4 165kt 3025ft
[23:15] Gear down 203kt 2940ft AGL
[23:19] FLAPS 5 196kt 3127ft
[23:19] FLAPS 6 170kt 2917ft
[23:19] FLAPS 7 166kt 2890ft
[23:20] FLAPS 8 150kt 2759ft
[23:25] LDG Rate -78 ft/min HDG 37 Wind 07820KT Temp 18C
[23:25] Spoilers ON 92kt 7ft
[23:25] TAXI to APRON
[23:25] Spoilers OFF 15kt 7ft
[23:26] FLAPS 7
[23:26] FLAPS 6
[23:26] FLAPS 5
[23:26] FLAPS 4
[23:26] Taxi Lights ON
[23:26] FLAPS 3
[23:26] FLAPS 2
[23:26] FLAPS 1
[23:26] FLAPS 0
[23:27] Taxi Lights OFF
[23:27] Parking Brake Applied
[23:27] ENG 1 Stopped
[23:27] ENG 2 Stopped
[23:27] Instrument Lights ON
[23:27] Beacon Lights OFF
[23:28] Instrument Lights OFF
[23:30] Brisa B738 PR-BBF
[23:30] Remaining FOB 2144kg
[23:30] Sim Rate 1x
[23:30] Brisa ACARS