Dados da Caixa Preta
[09:24] Brisa B738 PR-BBH
[09:24] BRI7041 SBBR/TNCM 170 PAX
[09:24] FOB 19429kg
[09:24] Parking Brake Applied
[09:24] Navigation Lights ON
[09:24] Boarding
[09:51] Beacon Light ON
[09:54] Parking Brake Released
[09:54] Pushing Back
[09:56] Taxi Lights ON
[09:56] ENG 2 Started
[09:56] ENG 1 Started
[09:56] FLAPS 1
[09:56] FLAPS 2
[09:56] FLAPS 3
[09:56] FLAPS 4
[09:57] TAXI to RWY
[10:01] Landing Lights ON 3484ft
[10:01] Taxi Lights OFF
[10:03] TKOF 158kt HDG 286 Wind 28701KT Temp 14C
[10:03] Gear up 171kt 420ft AGL
[10:04] FLAPS 3 203kt 5643ft
[10:04] FLAPS 2 210kt 5722ft
[10:04] FLAPS 1 216kt 5778ft
[10:04] FLAPS 0 221kt 6004ft
[10:06] Landing Lights OFF 10354ft
[10:36] TOC
[11:56] Overspeed! 299kt 35673ft
[11:56] Overspeed corrected at 35748ft
[14:45] TOD
[15:05] Landing Lights ON 10030ft
[15:06] FLAPS 1 213kt 9327ft
[15:06] FLAPS 2 208kt 9298ft
[15:06] FLAPS 3 205kt 9301ft
[15:12] FLAPS 4 174kt 3327ft
[15:12] Gear down 174kt 3320ft AGL
[15:12] FLAPS 5 172kt 3212ft
[15:12] FLAPS 6 164kt 2963ft
[15:12] FLAPS 7 162kt 2943ft
[15:13] FLAPS 8 155kt 2861ft
[15:13] Gear up 149kt 2552ft AGL
[15:13] FLAPS 7 148kt 2543ft
[15:13] FLAPS 6 150kt 2480ft
[15:13] FLAPS 5 151kt 2434ft
[15:13] FLAPS 4 154kt 2402ft
[15:13] FLAPS 3 157kt 2359ft
[15:14] Gear down 181kt 2159ft AGL
[15:14] Gear up 180kt 2110ft AGL
[15:14] Gear down 181kt 2044ft AGL
[15:15] FLAPS 4 179kt 1850ft
[15:15] FLAPS 5 176kt 1795ft
[15:15] FLAPS 6 175kt 1736ft
[15:15] FLAPS 7 174kt 1680ft
[15:15] FLAPS 8 153kt 1404ft
[15:17] LDG Rate -39 ft/min HDG 91 Wind 08010KT Temp 31C
[15:17] Spoilers ON 89kt 7ft
[15:18] TAXI to APRON
[15:19] FLAPS 7
[15:19] FLAPS 6
[15:19] FLAPS 5
[15:19] FLAPS 4
[15:19] FLAPS 3
[15:19] FLAPS 2
[15:19] FLAPS 1
[15:19] FLAPS 0
[15:20] Taxi Lights ON
[15:20] Landing Lights OFF 7ft
[15:21] Spoilers OFF 5kt 7ft
[15:21] Parking Brake Applied
[15:21] Taxi Lights OFF
[15:21] ENG 1 Stopped
[15:21] ENG 2 Stopped
[15:21] Beacon Lights OFF
[15:23] Brisa B738 PR-BBH
[15:23] Remaining FOB 5755kg
[15:23] Sim Rate 1x
[15:23] Brisa ACARS