Dados da Caixa Preta
[21:44] Brisa B738 PR-BAT
[21:44] BRI5213 SBVT/SBSP 164 PAX
[21:44] FOB 7717kg
[21:44] Parking Brake Applied
[21:44] Instrument Lights ON
[21:44] Boarding
[21:46] Navigation Lights ON
[21:46] Wing Lights ON
[21:56] Instrument Lights OFF
[21:57] Wing Lights OFF
[21:58] Logo Lights ON
[22:14] Beacon Light ON
[22:15] Parking Brake Released
[22:15] Pushing Back
[22:17] Taxi Lights ON
[22:17] FLAPS 1
[22:17] ENG 2 Started
[22:18] FLAPS 2
[22:18] FLAPS 3
[22:18] ENG 1 Started
[22:31] TAXI to RWY
[22:32] Landing Lights ON 16ft
[22:32] Taxi Lights OFF
[22:34] TKOF 154kt HDG 233 Wind 22009KT Temp 21C
[22:34] Gear up 180kt 755ft AGL
[22:36] FLAPS 2 226kt 3389ft
[22:36] FLAPS 1 224kt 3583ft
[22:36] FLAPS 0 221kt 4026ft
[22:38] Landing Lights OFF 10420ft
[22:38] Logo Lights OFF
[22:53] TOC
[23:31] TOD
[23:50] Landing Lights ON 10115ft
[23:50] Logo Lights ON
[23:51] FLAPS 1 210kt 9042ft
[23:53] FLAPS 2 194kt 7474ft
[23:53] FLAPS 3 194kt 7434ft
[23:55] FLAPS 4 173kt 6608ft
[23:56] Gear down 171kt 3354ft AGL
[23:57] FLAPS 5 168kt 5299ft
[23:57] FLAPS 6 163kt 5075ft
[23:57] FLAPS 7 161kt 5056ft
[23:57] FLAPS 8 155kt 5085ft
[00:00] FLAPS 7 147kt 2995ft
[00:01] FLAPS 6 142kt 3212ft
[00:01] Gear up 140kt 751ft AGL
[00:01] FLAPS 5 140kt 3379ft
[00:01] FLAPS 4 178kt 4278ft
[00:01] FLAPS 3 186kt 4291ft
[00:04] FLAPS 2 223kt 4245ft
[00:04] FLAPS 1 223kt 4229ft
[00:05] Gear down 212kt 1667ft AGL
[00:05] FLAPS 2 195kt 4216ft
[00:05] FLAPS 3 193kt 4213ft
[00:05] FLAPS 4 190kt 4206ft
[00:05] FLAPS 5 188kt 4199ft
[00:07] FLAPS 4 202kt 4475ft
[00:07] FLAPS 5 195kt 4275ft
[00:08] FLAPS 6 159kt 2887ft
[00:08] FLAPS 7 157kt 2828ft
[00:09] LDG Rate -264 ft/min HDG 164 Wind 14007KT Temp 14C
[00:09] Spoilers ON 122kt 10ft
[00:09] TAXI to APRON
[00:11] Taxi Lights ON
[00:11] Landing Lights OFF 2638ft
[00:11] FLAPS 6
[00:11] FLAPS 5
[00:11] FLAPS 4
[00:11] FLAPS 3
[00:11] FLAPS 2
[00:12] FLAPS 1
[00:12] FLAPS 0
[00:14] Spoilers OFF 6kt 10ft
[00:14] Taxi Lights OFF
[00:15] Parking Brake Applied
[00:15] Instrument Lights ON
[00:15] ENG 1 Stopped
[00:15] ENG 2 Stopped
[00:16] Beacon Lights OFF
[00:16] Instrument Lights OFF
[00:17] Brisa B738 PR-BAT
[00:17] Remaining FOB 2713kg
[00:17] Sim Rate 1x
[00:17] Brisa ACARS